Invited speakers
Chris Fryer (LANL): GRB and SN models
Nancy Elias-Rosa (INAF-OAPd): Direct detection of SN progenitors
Selma de Mink (Univ. of Amsterdam): Binaries as progenitors for stellar explosions
Giorgos Leloudas (Weizmann Inst./DARK): Superluminous Supernovae
Janice Lee (STScI) Observations of starburst galaxies
Lisa Kewley (ANU): Emission line diagnostics and their perils
Michal Michalowski (Univ. of Edinburgh): Submm/raido observations of starbursts across the Universe
Sebastian Sánchez (UNAM): IFU surveys
Paul Vreeswijk (Weizmann Inst.): GRB hosts
Emily Levesque (Univ. of Colorado): Resolved hosts of stellar explosions
Masami Ouchi (Univ. of Tokyo): High-z star-forming galaxies
Chiaki Kobayashi (Univ. of Hertfordshire): Abundances in star-forming galaxies